Horse Curb Chains and Bit Guards
Top Quality Horse Bit Accessories: Horse Curb Chains, Bit Straps, and Bit Guards.
Whether you're using English or Western bits, keeping your horse comfortable is of the utmost importance! There are plenty of horse bit accessories that can alleviate some of the discomforts of having to wear a bit for long periods of time. Silicone bit guards can prevent rubbing and pinching that can become annoying and distressing as the day drags on. Bit wash is great for keeping your horse’s bit fresh and clean after each ride or training session.
One Stop Equine Shop carries a wide variety of both English and Western bits for sale. We also offer Horse bit accessories online at our Equine Shop. We source Top brands bits from Myler, Shires, korsteel, Toklat, and Professional choice.
One Stop Equine Shop carries a wide variety of Horse Bit Accessories like Wither Straps, that can help with guiding, communication, and comfort. Whether you are trail riding, practicing dressage, or everything in between, keeping your horse comfortable will keep them happy and performing at their best.